Corporate Insurance
All major businesses and corporations require professional comprehensive insurance in order run a successful business. Choose from a comprehensive range of bespoke business insurance policies and products designed to offer dedicated protection for your business.
Saman Bank Insurance package helps customers to plan for unexpected risks, providing protection for their business against loss, and giving them peace of mind.
Contact your corporate banker today to find out our latest deals.
Liability Insurance
Each profession entails its own specific civil liability risks. Saman Liability Insurance provides tailor-made protection whatever your profession. Whether you are an employer, building contractor, doctor,manufacturer, driver or school headmaster, Saman has developed a range of products and service packages to suit every social and professional position, ensuring you are protected against specific liabilities as required by law. Speak to our dedicated insurance advisors about the right insurance package for you.
Saman’s liability insurance products include:
- Employers’ Liability Insurance Policy
- Professional Liability Insurance Policy such as Doctors’ Liability Insurance Policy
- Public Civil Liability Insurance Policy
- Manufacturers’ Liability Insurance Policy
- Domestic and International Transport Liability Policy
- Contractual Liability Insurance Policy
- Employers’ Liability Insurance against Third-Party Claims
- Hospital and Polyclinic Directors’ Liability Insurance Policy
- Lifeguards’Liability Insurance Policy
- Nursery Managers’ Liability Insurance Policy
- Fire Legal Liability Insurance Policy
Saman Cargo and Freight Insurance
Protect your cargo against all types of risk with the best cargo and freight protection available from Saman. Certain categories of marine, rail, road and air transported cargos are covered under domestic and international transport insurance coverage (exports, imports, transit). Saman also offers total loss insurance. Saman’s Total Loss policy is issued with a minimum premium; damage will be payable only in the event of total loss of the cargo caused by covered risks.
Speak to our insurance experts to purchase a policy suited to your needs.
Saman provides cargo insurance policies for two main areas:
Domestic Transport
Saman’s Domestic Transport Policy covers different risks such as fire, explosion and accidents within the geographical boundaries of Iran. Further coverage is available for a minimal fee offering protection against other risks such as theft, loading, offloading and similar events.
International Transport
Saman’s International Cargo Insurance Policy is issued for different consignments being imported, exported or transited through rail, road, air or sea. Saman international cargo insurance policies are subject to the standard terms and conditions of the Insurance Institute of London which are approved and accepted by insurers and legal authorities in most countries.
Saman Fire Insurance
Saman Fire Insurance covers risks such as fire, lightning, explosion, flood, airplane accident, window breakage, waterpipe bursts, snow- and rain-related damage and burglary.
As a Corporate Customer, you can insure your business including the office buildings, residential buildings, public and private warehouses, workshops, factories, industrial and non-industrial premises along with all contents therein against the said risks and hazards.
Talk to your corporate banker today or visit your nearest Saman branch to learn more.
Saman Group Insurance (Private Health Cover)
Medical costs can sometimes be very high. The national health insurance coverage in Iran does not always provide sufficient cover especially in the case of critical illness. Corporations and institutions covered by Social Security insurance or Health Services insurance can also buy this group insurance for their personnel and dependent family members. Saman Group Insurance is an advanced health cover insurance which pays for extra medical costs not usually covered by governmental insurance packages.
Saman Engineering Insurance
Unpredictable hazards such as natural disaster, technical failure and human error represent a huge threat to investors in the industrial and development sectors. The best option is engineering insurance coverage. Saman Engineering All Risks Coverage insures all beneficiaries in the project including the owner, contractor and any subcontractors, consulting engineers and others against risk-related damage. The Engineering Insurance Policy is issued in two phases of construction and start-up and covers all losses due to design, construction, installation, maintenance and operation of structures, machinery, computer and electronic equipment and more.
Contact your corporate banker or visit your nearest Saman branch for further information.
Saman Credit Insurance
Financial organisations and companies that issue loans or credit to their customers or sell their products and services on an instalment basis always run the risk of non-payment or deferred payment. Saman Credit Insurance is an ideal solution to cover the risk of non-payment or deferred payment of claims.
Saman Complementary Retirement Plan
A complementary retirement plan is the ultimate solution for senior managers to secure their employees’ severance packagesupon retirement or for other reasons. This plan guarantees the payment of a severance package as well as coverage in the event of the employee’s death.