Investment Solutions
Saman always invests part of its assets in the stock exchange on short-term and mid-term investments. Our expert knowledge and ongoing monitoring of investment markets place us in a prime position to advise you on the best investment opportunities for you in terms of your expected return on investment, the level of risk you are willing to take and the length of time for which you wish to invest.
Fixed-Income Funds
If you are looking for a low-risk investment with an assured return, look no further. Our range of fixed-income funds guarantee a minimum profit with reduced investment risks providing you with a risk-free investment that earns a fixed income.
High-Income Funds
Would you like your money to work harder for you? Do you prefer a greater return on your investment within a shorter period of time? Our various high-income funds are the perfect solution for investors willing to invest in higher-risk alternative markets. Our expert investment advisors are here to help you earn the highest profits based on capital market conditions.
Property Fund
The property market is one of the most profitable business sectors in Iran and in many other parts of the world. Saman has an outstanding track record for investing in major construction and property development projects. Saman offers customers the possibility of investing in construction projects; following completion and sale, profits are divided among investors. This is a long-term investment with high returns which can change your financial standing completely.
Trade Finance
Saman offers a variety of solutions to its SME Customers wishing to obtain cash funds for the procurement of items such as raw materials, machinery, equipment and even production lines. Whether you are an established business or a newly incorporated firm, you are able to benefit from our exceptional financing services.
Various businesses such as consumables, food, pharmaceutical and industrial companies use Saman credit lines, L/Cs, buy-back and other financing services. Saman also offersvarious types of banking guarantees such as good performance bonds, bid bonds and advance payment bonds, to facilitate commercial and servicing contracts.
Monday 4/19/2021