Current Account
Current accounts come with a chequebook to facilitate withdrawals and payments. Cheques are completed simply by filling in the amount, date and name of the beneficiary. Current accounts pay no interest. Saman cheques can be cashed in all Saman branches or deposited to any other bank. Talk to our corporate bankers or visit your nearest branch to open your Saman current account.
Interest-Free Savings Account
An interest-free savings account protects your money and provides you with a standard bank account offering all of the associated amenities such as deposit/withdrawal, transfer, debit card and other e-banking services. As the name implies, this account pays no interest.Talk to our corporate bankers or visit your nearest branch to open your Saman interest-free savings account.
Standard Short-Term Investment Deposit Account
The Standard Short-term Investment Deposit account is one of the most popular deposits in Saman. You can pay into or withdraw from this account at any time. Whatever your dailybalance, interest will be paid into your account every month, at a proportionate rate.
Special (3- to 6-monthly) Short-Term Investment Deposit
With the Premium (3- to 6-monthly) Short-Term Investment Deposit account, you can choose from a range of 3-month or 6-month  deposits to invest your extra cash. The interest rate varies depending on the term of the deposit and the intervals at which you opt to receive the interest. This deposit requires the deposit of a fixed amount which cannot be deposited/withdrawn during the term of the contract. The account can, however, be terminated prematurely, should you so wish.
Long-Term (1 year) Investment Deposit
With the Long-Term (1 year) Investment Deposit account, interest rates will differ based on the term of the investment and the intervals at which you opt to receive the interest. You can opt to receive the interest on a monthly, quarterly, six-monthly or annual basis. During the term of the investment, you cannot add to, withdraw from or transfer money from this deposit; however, you are free to terminate it prematurely, entirely or partially,if you so wish.
Monday 4/19/2021